Savischools is an online school management software designed to handle all school work. The motive of this product is to make school management easily approachable to all who is related to schools. It can handle various modules like Students details, results, attendance, Teacher/Staff details & attendance, Tuition fees, Library system, courses, school website, etc. Savi Schools is at Amazon AWS system so it is easily accessible anywhere via the web at any point of time.
SaviEDU By Savitroday - Moblie App is a full-featured, supple app designed for Savi schools. A mobile app has become a very big piece of school communications. Mobile access to school is just as important to staff and students as it is the parents who want to stay connected. For everything from messages, notifications, attendance to account details can be easily accessible through the app.
Parent /Student Portal is designed to provide the key features which includes information like Grades, Assignments, Attendance, Behavior, Schedule, Courses and Payment process. This portal helps both student and parents to be up to date in terms of the required information.
Online Payment is an easiest way of accepting payments. It is the most secure and safe payment processing.